Saturday, 2 April 2011

Delectable April Fools Recipes!

april fools day food April Fools Day Fried Rice Cupcakes

A day of sanctioned pranks that happens to fall on Foodie Friday? You can bet there's gonna be some recipes involved.

First up are Ole & Shaina's Fried Rice Cupcakes (pictured above) that happen to be super simple to whip up.    

Is it lasagna or is it banana pudding cake? You decide! (This is from the Food Network, which has several really great April Fools Day recipes.)

Vanilla ice cream in cones or zipped up mashed potatoes?

Wacky Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes or ice cream?

abc40494 e1e6 4695 8efc 063e8252825c Recipe

Grilled cheese or pound cake?

344e8737 df21 4595 ad87 7afce2f5d8e3 Recipe

Sushi or something sweeter?

A luscious cappuccino or pureed tofu??

created at: 04/01/2011


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